Quote:The past does not determine your future"
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Future Aspiration
Today in the morning we had Future Aspiration Day and four people came to talk to us about what they do and what we want to be, the first person to talk was Antnony Samnels and the thing he told us was a quote which said "The past does not determine your future" which was really cool because he said he use to be on What Now. The next speaker that was talking was Paula Fakalata who was a Attitude Presenter and then Amielia Unafe who is a fashion designer.
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Monday, 24 November 2014
Film Festival
I woke up joyful knowing that today was film festival, quickly I opened the curtains to get a peek of the sun shining... but all I saw was rain, don’t worry I thought to myself today is the day when I’m going to watch other class movies. As I finished refreshing myself I got dress in my red and black uniform, I suddenly hear my mum calling me for breakfast so quickly grab my bag and rush to the kitchen when I was done eating my mum dropped me off.
As we got on the bus me and my buddy Faridah quickly raced to one of the empty seats, as we found a seat that we both liked i quickly rushed to the seat next to the window which was pretty funny because Faridah wanted to sit there, once we sat down the bus started to move and as the bus started moving the kids got louder and louder.
As i gripped onto the rail i quickly ran in to the movies to get a good seat, but then I realized I lost my friends so i quickly ran back down the stairs where most of the kids were and as I was looking I spotted them so I quickly ran to them and told them to follow me and off I went, as we got to the top we spotted three seats where we could sit.
As all the movies began I was so excited because our class movie came on first and it was great and as the movies kept on playing and playing and playing it got kinda boring so me and my friend Gloria started to talk about our favorite movie and it turned out our favorite movies were the same which was the bowl cut.
The reason that the Bowl Cut was my favorite film festival movie is because it was funny and the acting was great.
Monday, 17 November 2014
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Monday, 10 November 2014
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Art Attack
This term our school has a knew topic and it is Art Attack.We are learning to create our own art and learn how to blend colors and more.On Monday ever teacher in each grade stoo
d up and showed our whole school what they painted and how they blended colors together which was really fun to see.
My favorite grade that liked was my grade which was the year 7&8 teachers.The thing that they did was get into groups of three or four and started to paint pictures of teachers in our school.When they were finish they tricked us and painted it up side down and when they turned it around it was a photo of our one of our teachers Miss Jarmin and Mr J and Mr Burt

d up and showed our whole school what they painted and how they blended colors together which was really fun to see.
My favorite grade that liked was my grade which was the year 7&8 teachers.The thing that they did was get into groups of three or four and started to paint pictures of teachers in our school.When they were finish they tricked us and painted it up side down and when they turned it around it was a photo of our one of our teachers Miss Jarmin and Mr J and Mr Burt

Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Thursday, 18 September 2014
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Revolution Tour #Stopthebull
Yesterday a group of people came to our school to teach our kids about bullying there group name is Revolution Tour and they acted out a story all about bullying.
When they have finished acting it really changed my life because that tought me alot and to see all the schools they went to go on there site
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Commonwealth Games
Pt England School has been learning all about the commonwealth games.We have been researching and looking at what kind of sports they do in the commonwealth games.
Also every class has been out running and training for cross country that is coming up on the 11 of September which is really fast because that means its next week and we are trying our hardest.
My Favorite Book
Talofa lava my name is Anisha and I have been reading alot of books this year but my most favorite book is The Wimpy Kid which is written by the amazing Jeff Kinney.
My favorite book out of the wimpy kid books would have to be the Cabin Fever it is so funny and very amazing to read.
So thank you Jeff Kinney for writing this book because one day I would love to write a book just like him for kids.
My favorite book out of the wimpy kid books would have to be the Cabin Fever it is so funny and very amazing to read.
So thank you Jeff Kinney for writing this book because one day I would love to write a book just like him for kids.
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Going To Life Ed :)
Life Education has been teaching my class all about drugs and how it can affect around your lives and our family.The person who was teaching us all about drugs was Lynn she showed us videos and clips of people who were taking drug and how their lives ended.I enjoyed this because it teaches me what drug would happen when you take it so thank you life Ed .
When we walked inside a lady named lynn told us to sit down in rows of three or four.When we were all ready shes told us about drugs she that “Drugs is not good you because it can change everything in your body but mostly your heart and brain” as she was talking she showed my class and I movies about people who took drugs and how they ended up with their lives turned around.
One of the movies that we watched told us about this lady and she started to take drugs when is was sixteen or seventeen she said that “When I got to court she thought that she was going to get home detention but instead the judge said shes going to jail and all she could think of was the fact that it was just a waste of time buying all those food.
The thing I really enjoyed about Life Ed was things they showed us and the movies about those people who were taking drugs I also loved the dances we did and the tricks Lynn showed us it was really hard at first but then it started to get really easy.The session we went to we watched this movie with this owl in it and he was talking about drugs its was so much fun.
As I was sitting there watching all those movies what would happen if someone in your life took thoughts and what would happen to do them would they go through the same things or would live in happiness.
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Friday, 15 August 2014
Telling About Volleyball:
Hi my name is Anisha and I would love to share with you something about my sport Volleyball.Volleyball is a very outstanding sport to learn if you were to show other people how to play this game they would get it just like that because volley ball is a simple game.Volley ball may look very hard when you see people playing it but when you get the hang of it, you would just feel like playing it forever.
What Does A Volleyball Look Like:
A Volleyball is very round and kind of heavy because of the foam inside,it is light for some volleyballs but mostly they are heavy.Volley Balls are very easy to hit when you throw it up but also volley balls are only for that game but they can not be use for any other game only volleyball.
The Game:
Volleyball is played by two teams with six people in each side but you can play with any amount.Volleyball is really easy to play if you get the hang of it most people love to play volley because its truly simple and really easy it's also fun when you play with alot of people like more than six.Volly ball was very famous in the olden day and it still is famous today.Volleyball was Invented by a very smart man name William G M he was in Lockport,New York.
The Rules
The rules for volleyball is really simple so please listen carefully as i say it.A player on one of the teams have to begin with a rally by serving the ball so first you have to (toss the ball and release it by hitting it so it goes to the other team) two from behind the back you have to not try to make the ball go on the ground three make sure you don’t hit the ball the wrong way because sometimes when you hit the ball its goes out and thats when your team lose a point.
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
Life Education
Life Education has been teaching my class all about DRUGS and how it can affect around your lives and your family.The person who was teaching us all about DRUGS was Lin she showed us videos and clips of people who were taking DRUGS and how there lives ended.I enjoyed this because it teached me what DRUGS would happen when you take it so thank you life Ed .
Monday, 4 August 2014
Commonwealth Games
Every Four years the commonwealth games are held at Glasgow,Scotland they are normally referred to the ‘Friendly’ games which are a sporting event..Only Commonwealth Countries participate in the Commonwealth games.
For the Commonwealth games there are normally 53 countries competing in the Commonwealth game to win some medals.To make the Commonwealth games be in your country you would have to bid for it.
Every Commonwealth games there are 53 countries but mostly the only countries that always come are Australia,Canada,England,New Zealand,Scotland,and finally wales.Australia has been the most highest achieving team for twelves game and England seven and Canada one.
The Commonwealth Game was first held in 1930 and with exception of 1942 and 1946,which we cancelled because of world war 2 so ever since world war 2 it has been held every four years.
World War 1 :D
Today commemorates the hundredth year since our soldiers went to WW1 "lest we forget".
Friday, 25 July 2014
My Holidays :D
As I was sitting there on my bed listening to my favorite music but I suddenly feel my earphones get pulled off I turned around and found my mum holding my earphones and looking really mad.I sat up from my bed and said “why did you do that” and my replied with a angry tone “I HAVE BEEN CALLING YOU SO MANY TIMES” i’m sorry I said I couldn't hear because I was listening to music.
Then as I apologized to my mum her frown looking face turn into a smile which she then told me to get dress and look after my brother so as I rushed to my cupboard I opened the door and got dress but then I started to think where were we going and why are we in a rush.
So I finished getting dress and ran to my brother at the front but as I went to get him I ask my mum where were we going but she said nothing so I reached out to my brother and grabbed him but then I remember I had to pack his bag so I softly patted him back into his crib and ran to my parents room so I grabbed my brothers bag and throw anything I could see then I ran back to the front and took hold of my little brother.
But then I hear my mum shout to me “Take the keys and open the car we are going to....” as she was talking I didn’t hear what the last word she said but then I murmured to myself “At least I get to go outside and see the sun shining bright BUT THEN I opened the door and all I could see was rain so I grabbed a towel and putted it over me and my brother.
So then I ran to the car unlocked the door and sat there thinking of where we would be going but then I hear some footsteps coming closer to the door and as I hear it open it was mum I told her that I thought it was someone else but then she looked at me and laughed.
Then as we were driving down the motorway and were then at otara I finally found out where we were going we were going to my nana’s to visit them and see how they were going.
At the end I really had fun there and wanted to stay to have a sleepover but my mum said no because she needs my help at home so then my cousin ask if I could come next term and my mum said yes.
I can’t wait for the next holidays because I get to stay at my nana’s place with my cousins and also I get to say there for the whole holiday so that means I don’t have to go home.
Jump Shot
Jump shot by Norman Bilbrough
Profile – The Coach – Kenny McFadden
In your own words give a one sentence answer to each of the following questions.
1. How did Kenny McFadden get into sport when he was young?
When he was young his father was coaching gridiron,but he just wanted him to play any sport,so the he played gridiron,basketball,and baseball.also he did athletics.But finally he chose basketball because he wanted to make it into uni.
2. When did he start the Hoop Club?
he injured his knee in 1992,and in 1996 he retired and started the club .His aim was to teach basketball skills and to get a porirua eight-years-old as good as an eight-year-old playing in the states.
3. Is basketball a challenging sport?
it’s a fast-running game,so you need to learn to breathe properly.And it teaches you to use your eyes and hands together.
4. What is Kenny’s favourite food?
His favorite food is hamburgers,weetabix for breakfast.
5. What advice does Kenny have for kids just starting out at basketball?
listen to the coach.Put in time dribbling,passing,and learning shooting skills.Eat your vegies.
6. Where was Kenny McFadden born?
united states
Profile – The Player – AppeTiTe Maihi
1. In the story, how old and how tall is Apiti TiHei?
he is 16 and 1.8
2. What is his favourite food?
Junk food but we were allowed takeaway every night.
3. What does he like best at school, other than playing basketball?
He really loves art.
4. How would you describe ApitiTiHei Maihi ? Give reasons for your answer.
I would describe ApitiHei Maihi in one word is (SPORTY) because he loves to play basketball which he is also really good at he has a great future ahead of him.
Referring to the text what are the common Basketball Injuries
1.Ankles are easy to roll and twist
2.fingers can break or be dislocated
3.knees swell and need ise pack
4.some players wear goggles to avoid fingers in their eyes
Present to Past Tense: Make the following text past tense by changing the underlined words.
The first game starts with a tip-off between ApitiTiHei and Te Amo, the tallest player in the girl’s team. The boys get possession and move the ball quickly up the court.
There are two missed shots before ApitiTiHei does a terrific right-handed lay-up and scores the first goal.
2.The first game began with a tip-off between ApitiTiHei and Te Amo, the tallest player in the girl’s team. The boys grab possession and throw the ball quickly up the court.There were two missed shots before ApitiTiHei moves a terrific right-handed lay-up and tries the first goal.
What are two skills players learn at Hoop Club?
dribbling and lay-outs
What is dribbling? Why do all players need to practise it?
dribbling is like running and bouncing with the ball all players need to practise it because if someone is coming up to you and you can’t pass the ball you could just dribble the ball and get a score.
Who won the first game between the boys and the girls?
The girls
What was the reason that this team won?
They won because they mostly play netball and basketball.
What do you think the word ‘substitute’ means?
substitute means replacement like for example soya milk is used as a ‘substitute for dairy milk.
What is one girls reaction when she finds out that Apiti is playing? Why do you think she has this reaction? I think she had that reaction because she thought he only loved to do art and that he doesn't play much sports at school.
How would Apiti have felt when he scored his first shot?
He would be so happy that he would just want to cry because that was his first score and also the best.
What sorts of things would the assistant coach have said during the break between the games?
He would tell them what to do and what players go on and which person do you defend.
Why do you think Apiti does not tell anyone about his aims?
because he is scared that people would not like it or that they would laugh at him for it .
“Shoot for the moon, because if you miss you’ll be amongst the stars “
What do you think this quote means?
I think its means to not be shy and just let out or you will never be happy.
Create a basketball team of 10 players only.
Your basketball team needs to consist of 10 famous players with different strengths.
You need to justify and state why you have chosen these specific players for your team.
You need to state your teams strengths.
Lastly you need to come up with an original name for your team
1Michael Jordan,Magic Johnson,Patrick Ewing,Dwight Howard,Kevin Durant,Tim Duncan,Kobe Bryant,Kevin Garnett,David Robinson,Karl Malone.
i have picked these people because they are really good and that I think with all of them together they would make an undefeated team that no one can beat and your team name is Chicago Bulls
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
Monday, 21 July 2014
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Thursday, 19 June 2014
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Off To The Gambia
For what reason to people sponsor children?
People sponsor children because that is what they decide to do. It’s also a project that a lot of people worry about, and one of the reasons why they sponsor a child is because they could have a better education and a better life.
Sponsoring a child is thought to be compared to a project, what is a project?
Put this word into a sentence of your own.
A project is an enterprise that is planned to achieve something.
How does Tim know that many families in Africa could not afford to send their children to school?Because in South Africa, in Gambia a variety of people find it really hard to afforde money to send their children to school.
How did the author find his way to Panjem?
He was following directions and he has been looking for panjim but it was to hard for him so he went down a hidden alley in the town of Brikama and travelled through heaps of places and he managed to find pinjam.
For what reason would it have been extremely difficult to find this town?
Because it is kind of a remote place that there is not many people around and also it is hard to use a map when its an african language because there is no wifi in Africa so by reading the text it is extremely hard.
Why did Andrew find it difficult to communicate with the villagers?
Because some of the people their doesn't understand english, and the feeling he might get would be awkward.
What language do the people of Gambia speak?
English, Wolof, Seren-Sine, Sarahole, Pulaar, Maninkakan, Mandingo, English and Jola - Fonyi.
Research and find out how you say the following words and phrases.
Hello - Na nga def
How are you? - Jaam nga am
Goodbye - Ba Deenem
Yes/No - Wau
Thank you - Jai - rruh - jef
Monday, 16 June 2014
Kiwi Kids News
Kiwi kids news - Week 7
1. A trust has been launched to oversea an important New Zealand anniversary in 2019. What will New Zealand be celebrating?
a. 150 years since Captain Cook landed in NZ
b. 250 years since Captain Cook landed in NZ
c. 350 years since Captain Cook landed in NZ
2. Who did Brazil play in their opening game of the World Cup?
• a. England
• b. Chile
• c. Croatia
3. What caused the Auckland Harbour bridge to be temporarily closed last week?
• a. high winds affecting traffic
• b. repair work
• c. road workers protesting against a wage decrease
4. At which venue is the national Fieldays agricultural show held each year?
• a. Claudelands Showgrounds
• b. Mystery Creek
• c. the Hamilton Rose Gardens
5. In which country was the main airport attacked by terrorists?
• a. India
• b. Pakistan
• c. Egypt
6. Why has Dan Carter been in the news recently?
• a. he is returning to NZ rugby
• b. he has announced he will be playing for a rugby club in Japan this season
• c. he is planning to switch the position he plays in
7. Why has the head boy at Marlborough Boys College been hailed as a hero?
•a. he dragged a women from a burning house
•b. he has donated a kidney to a fellow student
•c. he helped rescue a girl who was being swept down a swollen river
8. What is the main language spoken on the island of Santorini?
9. What is the name of New Zealand’s base in Antarctica that is getting a $3.9 million refurbishment?
• a. Hillary Base
• b. Scott Base
• c. Kiwi Base
10.True or false, after being found guilty of filing a false donations declaration John Banks has resigned as an MP?True
11.Why has Wellington’s version of the “Hollywood” sign been given a revamp?
• a. it was damaged in high winds
• b. it has been painted a different colour after motorists complained it was too distracting
• c. the W has been changed to a V to promote a new movie
12.How much money is Kim Dotcom offering as a reward for anyone who can provide information that will help his court case?
• a. $500,000 b. $5 million c. $10 million
13.True or false, Christchurch has announced it will no longer fund the Ellerslie Flower Show?False
14.Why was the Solomon Islands in the news last week?
•a. an outbreak of diarrhoea is creating a health crisis
•b. rioting has broken out at their only prison
•c. John Key has visited and committed an extra $2 million in emergency funding
15.What type of transport is going to be removed from the Wellington streets following a decision by the city council?
• a. skateboar ds
• b. trolley buses
• c. mobility scooters
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Addition & Subtraction Consolidation
Add/Sub W6
Andrea collects 73 Skittles. Andrea's father gives Andrea 56 more. How many Skittles does Andrea have?129
Joshua has 62 cards. Christina has 64 cards. If Christina gives all of her cards to Joshua, how many cards will Joshua have?126
If there are 266 pencils in a box and Bridget puts 44 more pencils inside, how many pencils are in the box?310
Harold has 153 marbles. He gets 16 more from Steve. How many marbles does Harold have in all?169
If there are 79 blocks in a box and Christine puts 15 more blocks inside, how many blocks are in the box?94
Denise removes 5 bananas from a jar. There were originally 46 bananas in the jar. How many bananas are left in the jar?41
Arthur removes 29 pencils from a jar. There were originally 187 pencils in the jar. How many pencils are left in the jar?162
Joyce starts with 275 apples. She gives 59 to Larry. How many apples does Joyce end with?224
Rachel removes 47 bottle caps from a jar. There were originally 283 bottle caps in the jar. How many bottle caps are left in the jar?244
Michael weighs 87 kilograms. Douglas weighs 52 kilograms. How much heavier is Michael than Douglas?42
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