
Friday 13 September 2013

Cross Country Run

Sitting next to my friend and the eleven year olds get called out I got scared. I felt butterflies in my stomach that I told my friend “Are you scared because i am”.Then mr burts tells us to get into three lines so we did.Then we had to stand on the start line which made me get more butterflies and made start shaking but when we started running i felt happy because i was running with my friend.

When I was running it was fun because I was running with my friend Ramondel.While we were running she was making me laugh so much that I got tired it was pretty funny at first but when it got longer and longer it felt like my legs were going to fall off and i could’t laugh  anymore because i was so so tired and i need water.When I finished my first lap I found out that we had to do two and  even though I was tired and coming last I still knew that i needed to finish no matter what happens.

Then when i looked at the front of me i saw the finish line and i though it was close but when me and my friend kept on running it seemed like it was far and it was.But me and my friend kept on running even though it was far we kept on running and the finish line got closer and closer and finally we made it to the end i was so happy that we made it and from there that was the end of my run.

This Is The End Of My Story.Ps Please Leave A Nice
Kind Happy Comment Thank You

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